October 23, 2009, 02:37

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Q & A Table of Contents. Why Positional Bargaining Is Dumb. From: Ronnie, Praetoria, South Africa. Question: I would like your comment on the idea that " Position based bargaining is. bar·gain (bär g n) n. 1. An agreement between parties fixing obligations that each promises to carry out. 2. a. An agreement establishing the terms of a sale or exchange of goods or. 16  Moving Up: Positional Bargaining Revisited Noam Ebner and Yael Efron  Editors' Note: Somewhere along the way toward widespread teachi ng of interest-based concepts, Ebner and. Interest-Based Bargaining (IBB) is a different way to negotiate. In the right situation, it is an alternative, replacing traditional positional bargaining with a process of joint. idealized objective may require the services of a facilitator or other neutral party, because negotiators typically enter the bargaining arena with a positional.





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