September 22, 2009, 01:26

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If you'd like to make your own breakfast for baby, then try this baby cereal recipe which is both wholesome and easy to prepare. Wholesome Rice Cereal Is infant cereal (also known as baby rice) the best first food for baby? Are there alternatives to baby rice that may be a better option?. Are there any dangers with giving a two-month-old infant rice cereal in a bottle? Yes there are. A newborn baby's gut is still developing and is not able to properly digest solid. My daughter was 9 lbs and 14.7 oz when she was born. She is only 2 months old but EVERYBODY is telling me I need to add rice cereal to her make. Start by feeding your baby a single-grain baby cereal such as rice baby cereal and continue this for three to five days before trying a new cereal. What's wrong with baby food from a jar? Why make your baby food? Take a jar and look at the expiration date. Commercial baby foods are designed to have a long shelf life, which is. Rice cereal is not bad from an allergy perspective, but having a baby that cries and has troubles passing stools is not that fun either. If you do decide to start with cereal, go.





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